Over the last week we have been looking at boule to buy for the new season next year and the choice is yours. If you are looking for a Halloween horror story you may want to pull up a chair. It was a dark stormy night in the deepest English countryside. A players fingers hover over the keyboard. Slightly shaking with anticipation, they press checkout and the boule they have desired all year are placed on order. Delivery should be around 2 to 3 weeks. After 18 days a small insignificant card is delivered to the household stating there is a parcel in customs and has outstanding duty to pay. SIXTY TWO POUNDS!!! That cannot be right, that’s almost half the amount again to the order. The payment to Customs is made and the boule arrive. The £62 is never mentioned again!
Now it could be, if you are lucky,  you get away with ordering from mainland Europe and do not get charged this crazy post Brexit fee. However, we have heard of at least three people paying between £55 to £62 for getting their boule into the country. No scary fees if you order from us. The prices on our web site are the delivered to you price. Simple. It may take a little longer as we bulk order but it certainly will be cheaper and have no horrific surprises of extra charges!
