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New Petanque competition events coming in all the time

As the sun starts to shine more and more competitions are happening around the country. Find them all at our web site

Here is the latest!

27th March Handcross Open Doubles CASH DOUBLES COMPETITION 2022

Handcross Recreation Ground, High Street, Handcross, RH17 6BJ

Cost of entry: £16.00 per team (juniors half price) Entries including entry fee by Wednesday 23 March latest please NB: maximum entry of 24 teams

Registration by 9.30am (Any team not registered by 9.45 am may be excluded)

Hot Bacon Rolls on Arrival RAFFLE Please bring your own lunch and seat (Nearest PH 400yds)

SEND YOUR COMPLETED ENTRY FORM, WITH CHEQUE/P.O. payable to Les Bonnes Boules de Handcross, to Handcross Petanque at the address Nigel Sibbring, Handcross Petanque, Appledram, North Common Chailey, Lewes, East Sx, BN8 4ET Em:

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